FREE! Downloads to Teach Kids About Missionaries

“Every member a missionary,” remember that saying? President David O. McKay said it, and we need to teach our children about being missionaries. Here are two downloads to help you.

Parts of a Missionary Sharing Time Kit, Children’s Missionary Activity Book

The kit has all the ingredients to whip up an adorable presentation about how wonderful missionaries are. You could use it for FHE or any group presentation, using either a “real” missionary or a little girl or boy adorned with a jacket and tie or other appropriate clothing. You can tape wordstrips all over the model while extolling their virtues, and finish up with a coloring page.

The activity book is based on the old six-lesson format that was written by President Hinckley for the missionaries to use. It goes over each lesson and has activities for children for each one.

When you download from my site (new address),, the files belong to you, and you can change them, print and copy them, and share with friends.

Happy Teaching!
Glorianne Muggli
Muggli Graphics